Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00
The Coalition founded in 2018 by a group of young women human rights activists and feminists that have witnessed the plight of violence and threats of women's human rights defenders who have been championing rights which are not yet recognized by legislations in our country; but which are recognized, promoted and protected by international human rights instruments. The coalition of WHRDs Tanzania forms a large basis for advocacy and lobbying works conducted by of WHRDs across the country. The types activities undertaken by member organizations range from capacity building to service delivery, with focus remaining on defending rights of the deprived and marginalized segments of the society. CWHRDT as NGO we have our prime moto of providing safe space, Protection support of WHRDs who are at risks and threats, capacity building and, documenting their struggles in defending human rights of women and own fate having travelled through various challenges in their working life.
Founder members have appreciated the need to have a coalition that will;
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